Road Agent

Towns have several choices when it comes to determining who will carry out that construction, repair and maintenance of their roads and bridges. For the Town of Auburn, voters have chosen to have the Road Agent’s position filled by election once every three years.  This process was most recently endorsed by Town voters in March 2015.

According to RSA 231:62, the Road Agent has charge of the construction, maintenance and repairs of highways, bridges and sidewalks and other activities as voted by the town.  

The Town of Auburn has chosen to hire out all of the work performed under the direction of the Road Agent and, as a result, does not have highway department personnel or equipment.  The Road Agent engages local and regional contractors for all work required from the plowing of winter roads to the reconstruction and paving of town roads during the summer months.  In managing the activity of the road work, the Road Agent follows the purchasing authorities contained in the Town’s Purchasing Policy, which includes hourly rates for various pieces of contracted equipment.

While the Road Agent is an independently elected position, the position is subject to the direction of the Board of Selectmen, and is responsible to them for the expenditure of money and the discharge of their duties generally.  

The Town of Auburn has approximately 70 miles of town roads it is responsible for maintaining for the benefit of the public.

While the Road Agent maintains the town’s roads, the responsibility for the regulation of local roads from weight limits and street signs to speed limits and traffic control is given to the Board of Selectmen by state statutes.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Michael W. Dross Road Agent (March 2024) (603) 303-4223