Auburn Competes for Outdoor Recreaton Funding

The Town of Auburn is among 28 Granite State municipalities and school districts seeking funding through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant program administered through the NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

Auburn's application seeks to fund half of the cost of completing the second parking lot for an additional 156 vehciles at Eddows Recreational Fields, in addition to constructing a connecting walk way from the parking to the playing fields.

The LWCF Program was first utilized by the Town of Auburn in 1988 to secure initial funding for the establishment of several ball fields on what was then known as Sandy Acres.

Auburn submitted a "Letter of Interest" in the grant program in July 2017 and was invited to apply for funding in November 2017.  The invitation to apply is an indication the Town passed several initial reviews concerning eligibility of funding through the LWCF program.

Grant applications were due January 26, 2018, and will now go through a lengthy review process in New Hampshire and the US Department of the Interior in Washington.  It is anticipated grant awards will be announced in the Fall of 2018. 

If approved, Auburn's work would be planned for 2019.   Grant awards are valiad for a three-year period.

Click here to see Auburn's LWCF Grant Application.