Auburn Begins Hazard Mitigation Planning Process December 7th

The Town of Auburn will take the initial stages of updating the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan on December 7th.  The original plan, which was adopted in 2012, was developed following guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is supposed to be updated every five years.

Auburn has authorized the NH Department of Safety to contract with the Southern NH Planning Commission to prepare the plan update for Auburn.  The contract is for $6,000, and is being paid for by federal funds available to the Department of Safety.

The first meeting of Auburn Town and School department heads comprising the local Hazard Mitigation Committee will be held on Wednesday, December 7th at 10 AM at the Auburn Town Hall.  The agenda for the meeting is available by clicking here.

Municipalities are required to have a current Hazard Mitigation Plan in place in order to be able to apply for Hazard Mitigation Grant funds that become available through the NH Bureau of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.  The Town of Auburn has successfully applied for and received four such grants since 2010 with a combined value of $202,028, while the Town has another culvert replacement project scheduled for Old Candia Road this year for an additional $55,385 in Hazard Mitigation Grant funding.